terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2018

Question Tags

Read the examples:

They are beautiful, aren’t they?
Verb to be in the affirmative                                        Tag with Verb to be in the negative 

I’m older than you, aren’t I?
First person singular                                              Tag turns into "aren't I"

Open the window, will you?
Instruction in the affirmative                                   Tag with "Will you"

Don’t forget to go to the supermarket, will you?
Instruction in the negative                                                                                                                         Tag with "Will you"

Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
Invitation "Let's ..."                                                   Tag turns into "Shall we"

He hadn't got a new car, had he?
Verb to have in the negative                                        Tag with Verb to have in the positive

The teacher gave you permission, didn't she?
A verb in the Past Simple in the affirmative                                                                              requires a Tag with didn't 

     Your parents didn't tell youdid they?
              A verb in the Past Simple in the negative                                                      requires a Tag with did 

üIf the sentence is positive, the QT (question tag) is negative

üIf the sentence is negative, the QT is positive

üThey are formed with the auxiliary verb or modal and the personal pronoun

üIf the verb is in the present simple or past simple, it is formed with do, does or did

üWith words such as, never, hardly, seldom, rarely the question tag is positive

Time to exercise:

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