segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2018

Extensive Reading Project 2018

9, 10 and 11 graders - Extensive Reading 2018

During the second term, you are going to present to the class the book you have chosen to read.You should do it at the beginning of January.


You are going to have up to 10' (9 graders ) and up to 15' (10/11 graders)

You must speak about:

- you must take into account that you are not texting to classmates; you are presenting a book in a more formal context.
1) The story in general (summary of the story)
read some of the passages  that were important to the story

2) Main characters 
- explain their main characteristics
read some passages which show the behaviour of the characters you chose to speak about

3) Moment of the story you most enjoyed
- read the passage which was revealing for the end of the story (if you can leave your classmates eager to know the very end of the book by not revealing it)

4) Explain why would you recommend (or not) the book


Remember that you have several platforms to use in your presentation (rather than PPT or Prezi), for instance: a),  Spark, Padlet
b) Create a Blog, 
c) (a short Quizizz or Kahoot for the end of your presentation)

Whatever platform you choose to present your work remember that you should have pictures instead of text in your slides. Of course, you can write one or two main words.

You can bring objectsmusic or other elements that might help you during your 10 minutes.

Do not panic during your presentation. If you cannot remember what you have to say, simply say that you need a moment and carry on.

Rehearsing is fundamental. Present your work at home alone, to your siblings, to your mum, and to your dad. By the time you get to class, you are completely secure and ready!

Eat well for morning breakfast! It is important to be 100% ready!!

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