segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013

11 graders: consumer's rights

Hi everyone!

In the end of term we studied Reported Speech. In order to help you remember, here's this

This term we will begin with some Phrasal Verbs.

Can you identify any Phrasal Verb in these sentences?

a) Dad told us someone broke in last night. The pc and the television were stolen.
b) It is a fancy party so you have to dress up.
c) She hung up before I could explain myself.

Afterwards we will talk about something everyone should know about.
Have a look at these two websites:

What are the websites about?
Do you know your rights?
Do you know how to complain?

Try to remember about an episode where you or a family member had to complain about a product or a service. Write a few lines describing what happened.

1. What made you feel deceived
2. How did you complain?
3. What happened afterwards?

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