segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013

8th and 9th Forms

Hello wonderful people,

We have finished our oral presentations on the books you read.
I was really happy with the"quality jump" some of you did.

I sincerely hope that you pick an English book to read during your Summer!!

I am going to write some little things that you can still improve. Have a look:

a) You really have to read the book;

b) Avoid long texts in your Prezi/PPT; remember that slides are not for you, because they are meant for those who are listening to you; structure your oral presentation always with introduction, development and conclusion (but you don't need to say: "My introduction/conclusion is..."; be aware of what the teacher asked for

c) Avoid reading everything, as that is not an oral presentation;

d) Do not "run" when you are presenting, your public might not be able to follow you;

e) Be careful with spelling mistakes (for instance, "writter"; "whit"; "didn't knew"; "anoying"; "she don't"; "who was my favourite chapter?");

f) Things I heard:

- lack of the "s" in the third person singular;
- "didn't saw";
- "she meet" - it should have been "she met";
- "go tell him" "go see" - portuglish;
- "he don't know about magazines";
- "she borns" - she was born;
- "she wrotes" - no "s" in the past;
- "xarater" - CHaraCter;
- "in the floor";
- "the gerent" - the manager;
- "2 childrens";
- "he is on London when the fire began";
- "repaired" - should have been "noticed";
- "want to met";
-" In this point of my presentation";
- "she decide to went";
- "she hate";
- "she have to go".

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