quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Phrasal verbs - Turn

And we are back to work!
We will begin by studying Phrasal verbs with the TURN.
So, we have:

Turn back - stop and go back
"It's raining cats and dogs, we must turn back home!"

Turn on - make something work
"Turn the lights on, please."

Turn into - change into something different
"He was so nice, but he turned into a very angry man."

Turn out - have a different result
"It happened that the study visit turned out to be really interesting."

Turn up - arrive
"What time did you turn up yesterday?"

2 comentários:

Carol disse...

Stora vai sair no teste os phrasel verbs? Carolina 9º C

Rit@ disse...

No, it won't! Just what's written in that post named "written test" of 3rd May.