terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

Reported Speech

Use:  To report what someone said.

I love my new jacket.”, Mariana said.  - Present Simple
- Mariana said she loved her/his new jacket.

" I went to this shop yesterday," Rodrigo explained. - Past Simple
Rodrigo explained he had gone to that shop the day before.

"They are going to the pool now", mum shouted. - Present continuous
Mum shouted they were going to the pool then.

"I was watching the movie at six o'clock", Catarina whispered. - Past Continuous
Catarina whispered she was watching/ had been watching the movie at six o'clock.

I’ll buy a new cap”, Vasco told Luis. - Future "will"
Vasco told Luis he would buy a new cap.

Note: Sentences in the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous do not change.
Inês Miranda sent this suggestion:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-TZa-ZpGs

1 comentário:

Arlene disse...


ja fiz a correcção do que estava mal.